Häufig gestellte Fragen

Du hast Fragen? Wir haben die Antworten.

Wie bestelle ich einen Gutschein? Rufe uns an oder sende uns eine E-Mail. Gerne schicken wir Dir den Gutschein per Post oder als E-Mail zum ausdrucken.

Kein Problem, wir verschieben den Flug auf einen schöneren Tag.

Fotos und Videos vom Flug kosten 40.-.

Im minimum fliegen wir 10-12 Minuten. Gute Bedingungen erlauben mehr, wir geben unser bestes.

Nein, wir sagen und zeigen Dir alles was du wissen und können must.

Du kannst online reservieren und bezahlen. Ebenfalls ist es auch möglich nach dem Flug Bar oder mit Karte zu bezahlen.

Überall in Interlaken. Am besten direkt am Landeplatz in der Höhematte.

Hanggliding oder auf Schweizerdeutsch Deltafliegen ist viel näher am Vogelflug. Es ist als wäre Dir der Flügel angewachsen.

Für uns ist ein Flug etwas aufwändiger. Aber es ist es Wert, versprochen.

Jeder Sport birgt seine Risiken, aber wir fliegen jeden Tag das ganze Jahr. Somit ist es für uns Routine und somit sehr sicher.

Gerne nehmen wir deine Kamera mit. So kannst du den Flug aus einer weiteren Perspektive aufnehmen.

Gute Schuhe, eine dünne Jacke und gute Laune.

Wenn du mehr fragen hast, ruf uns an oder schreibe uns eine E-Mail.

Any more questions?

Dein erster Flug

Bleib ruhig und behalte deine Nerven.

Dann die meist gestellte Frage: Ist das sicher? Werde ich mich verletzen? Werde ich sterben? Nein, nicht mit BumbleBee. Du bist sicher eingehängt zusammen mit deinem Instruktor und wir lieben das Leben! Die beste Lebensversicherung.

Mountain view with passengers post-flight and a selfie during the hang gliding experience, hands outstretched like an airplane, in Interlaken.

Bist Du bereit zu Fliegen?

Privacy Policy

BumbleBee Hang Gliding GmbH respects the privacy of users. This means: We treat the information you provide with care, a sense of responsibility and in compliance with the relevant data protection regulations and on the basis of this data protection declaration are subject to Swiss data protection law and any applicable foreign data protection law.

BumbleBee Hang Gliding GmbH

Postgasse 11, 3800 Interlaken.

Phone 0041 (0) 79 454 3464

[email protected]

Personal data shall mean any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identity number, a location, an online identifier, or one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person. This includes, for example, your name, your telephone number, your address, the data that you provide us with when registering and creating your customer account. We do not use your info for statistical data.

We use photographic material for simple social media. If you prefer us not to use any material obtained during flight please simply confirm to us your wishes.

Google: https://policies.google.com/privacy

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy

Instagram: https://help.instagram.com/519522125107875

We use an outsourced agent for your online booking.

Trekksoft AG: https://www.trekksoft.com/de/datenschutzerklaerung

These service providers will use your data exclusively for order processing and not for any other purposes. It is (contractually) ensured that these service providers will treat your data confidentially and in accordance with the applicable legal provisions and that your data will be used solely for the services concerned.

You have the right:

1. to request information about your personal data as processed by us. You may request information on the purposes of the processing, the category of personal data applied, the categories of recipients to whom your data has been or will be disclosed, and the planned storage period. You also have the right to be informed of: the right of correction, cancellation, limitation of processing and objection; the right of appeal; the origin of your data, if not collected by us; the existence of automated decision making, including profiling; and, if applicable, meaningful information on the details thereof;

2. to demand the immediate correction of inaccurate or incomplete personal data stored by us;

3. to demand the deletion of your personal data as stored by us, unless it is required for the exercise of the right to freedom of expression and information, for compliance with legal obligation, for reasons of public interest or to assert our rights or defend against claims;

4. to demand the restriction of the processing of your personal data if the accuracy of the data is disputed by you, if the processing is unlawful but you decline to have the data deleted, or if we no longer need the data but you do need it in order to assert your rights or defend yourself against claims brought against you, or if you have lodged an objection to the processing;

5. to receive your personal data from us with in a structured, standard and machine-readable format or to request that it be transferred to another responsible party;

6. to revoke your consent at any time, in which case we must cease any data processing based on this consent, and

7. to complain to a regulatory agency.

Look, we are BumbleBee. We are basically to dumb to do anything evil with your information. We love to fly and we love the people we fly with. So no want to do any harm to anyone beyond our wonderful flight experience together here in the Swiss Alps!

Enjoy your life journey with no worries from our side! Fly high and safe landings for all.

Team BumbleBee